03 January 2008

Happy Holy-Days!

O good and gentle readers, I never gave you all my wishes! What can be done without my wishes? How you all must have suffered.

First I forgot to give you my Solstice wishes. Merry Solstice! My druids and I have sacrificed several small animals for you, in addition to a couple of large ones and two-thirds of the local children. The portents contained in their burnt entrails indicate good fortune. Regrettably, the entrails also revealed all our Christmas gifts to us, which we proceeded to gift to the Sea. We also took this as an opportunity to commune with the dead. The dead are quite well, though altogether dead. They wished us a merry Christmas. Speaking of Christmas, here now are my Christmas wishes. Merry Christmas! I took great pleasure in honoring the Roman sun god Sol Invictus on his traditional birth-day. Where, after all, would we be without the All-Conquering Sun? I tell you, we would be in the dark. For Christmas, I also got to make further use of the tree my druids and I decorated for the Solstice, following the Teutonic custom. Lastly, the time in which the calendars change has come once again, so I wish you all a Happy New Year. Bounty and fertility to you all, in every sense of both words! Of course, my druids remind me that it has been the new year since Samhain, two months ago. It was a much superior New Year, as I recall, falling not long after the Equinox. The Autumnal Equinox, of course, is one of the most sacred days of the year (excellent for communing with the dead), as is the Vernal Equinox, really only obscured in significance by the festivities of Beltaine. You do not receive my Beltaine wishes now, though, for we must wait for that.

That is what the Season is all about, my friends.

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