01 January 2008

Thou slayest thy tens, I slay mine hundreds.

Greetings, friends. I am pleased to inform you that I am a winner. Let me tell of the games I have won in the last three days, in chronological order:

I. Rook
II. Trivial Pursuit (published in 1981)
III. Guitar Hero III
IV. The Settlers of Catan
V. Euchre
VI. Cranium (which is dreadful)
VII. Age of Empires II
VIII. Guitar Hero III some more
IX. The Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit

I defy my friends to face my unstoppable power, even to stand unflinching before me and my Cuchulainnian frame and my glowing countenance. Fear not, though, for I am a benevolent nigh-deity. I can only hope that I am allowed more heroic exploits before I must face my heroic end. That is, I know that I shall still have at least one, for I have not yet completed the necessary adventure into Hades (or "Spain"), but after that it is only a matter of time before I must sail across the sea to paradise (or "Brazil"), dead or alive.

In conclusion, though it is extraordinarily epic to be a myth, it is also highly predictable. Now how about some chess, or perhaps a duel to the death?


maria said...

Cranium can be kind of dreadful. I hate the ones where you're supposed to hum a song that everyone else in the room except you knows. But at least it has spelling questions to make up for that.

Thorvald Erikson said...

How did you know that I do not know any of those songs?

Here is an update:
1. I corrected the spelling of "Cuchuliannian."
2. I have won both The Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit and Trivial Pursuit (1981) again.

I do not ordinarily play so many board games. It is strange.

Thorvald Erikson said...

Here is another update:

I have corrected the spelling (for real this time) of "Cuchulainnian."

maria said...

I wasn't aware that you didn't know any of the songs either, but whenever I play I end up with songs that neither me nor my partner are familiar with. And then my more cosmopolitan friends say "Are you serious? Neither of you know that?" and sigh in incredulous exasperation. It's all good in the hood though because I know all sorts of even more useless things that they aren't aware of.

Ben mentioned the Settlers of Catan game on Wednesday, and I'm anxious to learn it.

Thorvald Erikson said...

About the songs, it was a play on the use of the second-person in "you're supposed to" and "except you." Ah, grammatical humor! Actually, it isn't all that amusing.

It is my solid oath to the multitudes to have settlers with me tomorrow (Friday).