06 March 2008

The Light of Divinity Released from the Melons, Ascending to the Seventh Level of Heaven

O good readers, I made three errors on the paper "Postexilic Judean Politics from Persian to Ptolemaic Rule" which have since been pointed out to me.

Read it. Read it well, and increase your wisdom by the product of two nearly sleepless nights.

My comment follows, but I must trumpet my confession of these most abominable sins.

First, I referred to Zerubbabel as a king. This was a foolish thing, and you should have seen it, most holy readers, knowing all the intimate details of even relatively minor characters in the books of the minor prophets. Shame on you.

Second, Hyrcanus did not commit suicide until long after I said he did. It is irrelevant to the analysis, but I fixed it.

Third, Solymius was the brother's name, not the daughter's, whose name is not given. Forgive me for being unable to differentiate between Greek male names and female names all the time.

Everything, as far as I know, is well now, at least with the paper.

1 comment:

Thorvald Erikson said...

Minor on the whole, I mean. He is fairly major in Haggai.