20 November 2007

I am the king of infinite space, but space is not infinite.

Good morning, my friends! Not often do I have the opportunity to greet you as such, but today I am two things I usually am not in the morningtime: both awake and unoccupied. What does one weblog about in the morning, though? I think it is the nighttime or the afternoontime that morningtime webloggers weblog about. Nighttime was full of darkness and evil. It is a good thing I am not bound by a nutshell. Afternoontime is in the future, and I know little of the future; however, in the nighttime skies there are stars. You may have seen them before, but remember, they are not everywhere. This is an important point, for how could we interpret the movements of the spheres if stars were everywhere? I can only assume that the spheres were in discord (they are all tuned very precisely, you know), making nighttime dark and evil, as opposed to simply dark. I wonder, does this tell us anything about the afternoontime? It is a good thing we can use Science and Reason to analyze these things.


Thorvald Erikson said...

Let me clarify: I mean that the sum of all space is not infinite.

maria said...

It tells you that the afternoontime will not be dark and evil, although it be dark. The darkness comes from pretty rainclouds obscuring the sky! How can such things be evil?

Thorvald Erikson said...

Ah! You know the Science of Astrology! As you say, these things were not evil at all!