09 September 2007

Birthday Presents from the Heavens

Do you remember, O readers, the snows of the February of 2007 that fell in my neck of the woods and probably in yours, as well? I imagine most of my readers are near my neck of the woods. At any rate, I found this photograph on the camera I brought with me on my grand adventure the other day, and I thought that it was extraordinarily attractive:

I did not take it, but I am better and happier for knowing it exists. Well, I knew it existed before, but now I think it should be displayed as art, or something.

Next time perhaps I shall have something absurd for you, or perhaps (if I am so compelled) something of depth and substance. Tonight, however, I tickle your eyes. Does it not feel nice?


maria said...

That's a purty picture. That storm was beautiful. Unfortunately the ice and wind ripped 20-some branches off of the east side of the massive white pine in front of my house (and for once I'm not exaggerating). But it's still healthy, just a bit lopsided, so it's all good.

Thorvald Erikson said...

That thing on the left which is touching the ground is, in fact, the top of a birch tree. We were afeared it would not return to its good and proper position after the ice melted, but it did, with much relief.

maria said...

Yay! I'm glad your tree returned to its normal state.