02 September 2007


On this fine Sunday afternoon we are going to have a history lesson about Poland, which you may recall I mentioned in my last talk about poetry. Poland, as we are all aware, is the offspring of the Motherland and the Fatherland, otherwise known as Russia and Germany (or "Prussia"). They at times have made a happy family, but usually not. For as long as it has existed, and for as long as it has frequently failed to exist, Poland has been the victim of a terrible battle, a dreadfully painful custody battle, between the Motherland and the Fatherland. Thus this poor Childland has been torn to pieces and has otherwise been utterly abused by its parents regardless of which one possessed it, or whether it was disowned and independent. Just consider what happened when the Fatherland and the Motherland split up in 1939:

It is a hard life to be Poland. I bid you, mothers and fathers, do not attack your children's cavaliers with tanks and armored cars. It might deal permanent psychological damage. Oh yes, and honor you Molotov-von Ribbentrop Pacts and stay together. Know your history well, and life will be much the same.

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